Life-what is it?

You live a normal life, you are a seventh-day Adventist Christian, and yes you've had people look up to you in the past, you've done great things, performed well for a few things, done a few small ministries, yet now you shrink in a growing depression ...........Can you identify with this?? Well this is very familiar to me......... One word could simply describe this: PURPOSE. Yes, it's that word, I believe God made us to crave a purpose in life, You know people who have been instilled with a lot of trust and confidence from others tend to have more of a purpose to life don't they? Well then there is a problem, (Yes I have been instilled in such a way before) but what if there are others who lack a purpose, a drive for life. Well that's what I'm aiming for, WE CAN encourage people, we can put confidence into someone, we can bring them to Jesus, the ultimate purpose contriver Himself! Just simply showing a deep interest and care in someone can instill confidence and purpose in their life. But what if we lack purpose ourselves? Well, I know what that's like, but it helps me to write this way and remind myself what I am here on this earth for.

*First of all we must maintain a our personal time with God. (that is something I am working on still)
*Second, dive into a ministry that will keep you busy serving others, as that is the ultimate way to happiness! (You can pray that God will guide you into finding the right ministry)
*Third, pray for others! When we see the amazing answers that come about through sincere prayer, it will be an encouragement to see how God works! And to encourage us to pray more!

And what happens when we stop looking at ourselves and choose to put others first, in every single way? HAPPINESS! I'ts just as simple as that! Now I'm going to pray about this myself, so that I will not be merely posting this without experiencing it myself.

God bless you all as you strive for a purpose in your life!


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