An Ordinary Man
There I sat, listening to a meeting put on by World Church Affirmation Sabbath. There on the screen, a list of things that reveal pride in someone...Oh the list so long! So many things and I could relate to so many of them! I took a picture of each one so I could look at them again and try to correct those things with Gods help of coarse. Yes with Gods help...Oh but what hope was there? I had tried already many times to be better. I prayed so many times, Lord please help me, but, nothing seemed to really help.

I prayed right then and there asking for fresh help, yet I knew all too well how utterly hard it would be according to my experience from the past. If pride and selfishness were laid aside, five minutes would remove most difficulties. I realized now how truly selfish and prideful I really was.
The meetings continued and another speaker went forward, however I couldn't help gazing around at all the different people in the room. But, one person stood out to me, rather overweight, but he looked familiar to me...He looked like a therapist I had gone to in SD who was a kind, calm and seemingly confident man. This man seemed to have that same attractive quality and I couldn't help glancing at him a few times trying to figure out if he could be the same man. It wasn't long before his mother introduced him to us as her son. Ah now the puzzle was coming together! I knew this lady quite well. So this was her son.
After a while, the last speaker ended and the meetings were dismissed. I hadn't listened as well this time, it just didn't catch my attention like the other message had. We slowly began to make our way out, then suddenly there they were, the elderly lady and her middle aged son, sitting on the bench by the door, his arm resting on the bench beside her. We introduced ourselves and then my turn came, he looked right into my eyes with that calm, kind expression. It really didn't matter that he was overweight or average looking it was his demeanor that was so attractive to me and I wanted that quality. He then went on to share the he was a dentist which was familiar to us as my dad is a dental technician. Then suddenly out of the blue he began to share his testimony. "Read Steps to Christ page 47," he said. "I used to watch tv all the time, but I surrendered it to the Lord and he took the desire away! I didn't even have to work hard at it, He did it all for me! Now, instead of watching television, I read the Bible. I used to drink coffee, I surrendered that to the Lord and now I don't drink it anymore! I was getting panic attacks, but when I surrendered that to the Lord I don't get them anymore, I have peace! Whatever it is you're dealing with, surrender it to God and he'll give you peace. People take drugs for panic attacks but God is a lot better option, let them experience the peace of God and they won't need their medications!" I just stood there, drinking it all in. So that was the kind of man he was. A man filled with the peace of God! I was in awe. This man was a true christian, a rarity for sure. It seemed there were not many people like that, and I knew that God must of put him in my path just when I needed it. Surrender. That most amazing word would be my victory, His victory in my life. I had just lost sight of the significance of it...Victory is through surrender, the song floats through my mind just now. How can I win if I lose? I can win if I surrender. And it is only through surrender that one can experience true peace and joy in life.
I'm ready to jump on the boat, are you? The boat where Jesus calmly sleeps because his life is completely surrendered to his father in heaven and experiences the true peace that it brings. If he could sleep through the storms of life, I can too. No matter what I go through, no matter what I feel, or how I'm treated. After all. the Bible says. "Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them." Amen! God is the solution to every problem in life, all we have to do is surrender.
I prayed right then and there asking for fresh help, yet I knew all too well how utterly hard it would be according to my experience from the past. If pride and selfishness were laid aside, five minutes would remove most difficulties. I realized now how truly selfish and prideful I really was.
The meetings continued and another speaker went forward, however I couldn't help gazing around at all the different people in the room. But, one person stood out to me, rather overweight, but he looked familiar to me...He looked like a therapist I had gone to in SD who was a kind, calm and seemingly confident man. This man seemed to have that same attractive quality and I couldn't help glancing at him a few times trying to figure out if he could be the same man. It wasn't long before his mother introduced him to us as her son. Ah now the puzzle was coming together! I knew this lady quite well. So this was her son.
After a while, the last speaker ended and the meetings were dismissed. I hadn't listened as well this time, it just didn't catch my attention like the other message had. We slowly began to make our way out, then suddenly there they were, the elderly lady and her middle aged son, sitting on the bench by the door, his arm resting on the bench beside her. We introduced ourselves and then my turn came, he looked right into my eyes with that calm, kind expression. It really didn't matter that he was overweight or average looking it was his demeanor that was so attractive to me and I wanted that quality. He then went on to share the he was a dentist which was familiar to us as my dad is a dental technician. Then suddenly out of the blue he began to share his testimony. "Read Steps to Christ page 47," he said. "I used to watch tv all the time, but I surrendered it to the Lord and he took the desire away! I didn't even have to work hard at it, He did it all for me! Now, instead of watching television, I read the Bible. I used to drink coffee, I surrendered that to the Lord and now I don't drink it anymore! I was getting panic attacks, but when I surrendered that to the Lord I don't get them anymore, I have peace! Whatever it is you're dealing with, surrender it to God and he'll give you peace. People take drugs for panic attacks but God is a lot better option, let them experience the peace of God and they won't need their medications!" I just stood there, drinking it all in. So that was the kind of man he was. A man filled with the peace of God! I was in awe. This man was a true christian, a rarity for sure. It seemed there were not many people like that, and I knew that God must of put him in my path just when I needed it. Surrender. That most amazing word would be my victory, His victory in my life. I had just lost sight of the significance of it...Victory is through surrender, the song floats through my mind just now. How can I win if I lose? I can win if I surrender. And it is only through surrender that one can experience true peace and joy in life.
I'm ready to jump on the boat, are you? The boat where Jesus calmly sleeps because his life is completely surrendered to his father in heaven and experiences the true peace that it brings. If he could sleep through the storms of life, I can too. No matter what I go through, no matter what I feel, or how I'm treated. After all. the Bible says. "Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them." Amen! God is the solution to every problem in life, all we have to do is surrender.
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