
                                                                    Yesterday's Story

Telling a story of yesterday,
when yonder's sun rays, gleamed through trees.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when soft on the hills blew a slight cool breeze.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when pelting rain washed the dust away.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the pastor asked the people to pray.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when a loving arm comforted the tears.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when a message of hope drove away the fears.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when up on a hill came trampling feet.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when a tremendous sound came with “young disciples take seat”.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when up from the water shone a baptized face.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when long gone friends did then embrace.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when a favored tick was honored with a picture
Telling a story of yesterday,
when eager hearts passed out literature.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the children went to hear a program.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when out from the dock the people had swam.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the clock struck one and the camper was late.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when a written demerit warned of serious fate.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when strains of music filled the room.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when hoards of mosquito's did ever loom.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when lost and found had claimed a victim.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the sun turned red and the blue sky was hidden.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the power went out, and the generators were brought.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when at last at night, every bed was sought.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the food was gone but something new popped out!
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the friendship feast was brought about.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when a camp-o-gram brightened her face.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when this camp was always a familiar place
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the sun had tanned their skins to brown.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the joyful choir came to sound.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when outside, the wilderness survivers slept all night.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the rising sun made a beautiful sight.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the smell of soap and lotion was evident!
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the staff were so benevolent.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the science experiments made celery turn red.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when someones skin had bled, but was fake instead.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when fires were made in tricky ways.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when being at camp were the happy days.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the courageous souls went up to preach!
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the kitchen crew made delicious treats.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when Bible work taught people how to share.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when health evangelism helped people to care.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when missionary adventures left a new impression.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the drawing class taught a lesson.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the singers at voice training had improved their quality.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the students had fun at digital photography.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the canoe class had learned many a skill.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the sign language class did much to fulfill.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the amatuer radios had an audience.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the medical missionary class provided experience.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when each scrapbook told a story.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when a home away from home was the majority.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when the airplane lifted off to the sky.
Telling a story of yesterday,
when everyone had to say goodbye.
Telling a story of yesterday,
When yesterday is gone.
Telling a story of yesterday,
that won't be gone for long!

The Secret of Spring

Spring has sprung in bursting green,
the fields drab have turned serene.
Flowers shoot up from the ground,
their quiet presence brings no sound.
Yet, flowing through the meadows vast,
they shower futures from the past.
Frogs emerge with croaky tunes,
where rain waters presence, softly looms.
Drooping webs declare the past,
of Aprils triumphant showers fast.
Warbling sounds drift through trees,
where tiny beaks poke through leaves.
Weeping willows droop with ease,
and are brushed anew with a gentle breeze.
Bleeding hearts bow in reverence,
to their creator, sovereign, prince.
Handsome corn lilies struggle to grow,
when at last is missing, the blanket of snow.
Daffodil faces line the fence,
glowing fondly with yellow acsence.
Green thumbed people are beginning to stir,
as the gardens of yesterday begin to allure.
Baby deer huddle silently,
where mother deer has assigned them quietly.
The hums of cicadas begin to call,
the trees unaware of what may befall.
Spiders and bugs begin to arouse,
making their abode in an unwanted house.
Pleasant surprises await the forest,
huddled in dens, or cozied in nests.
But some hidden surprises are never found,
like the wiggly things that in the water abound,
all the secret births of natures babies,
or the unnoticed busyness of a hive of bees.
The unfolding of a butterfly, though ever so slow,
teetering on the branch as the winds slightly blow.
The unwanted nest, when the grown birds had vanished,
yet so much of the forest has not been cherished.
The secrets are left up to us, to explore,
revealing the creator, who loves us, even more!

Life of a Cowboy

The tip of a hat and a twinklin' eye,
the clomp of a boot and a tired sigh.
Face illuminated by the glowing fire,
the long lost cattle huddle close to retire,
the night closes in on the humble scene.
A wisp of smoke escapes the chimney hole,
a silhouetted horse, nickers from below.
A cup of tea steams a pattern,
revealed by the gleam of a flickering lantern.
The shepherd stirs from a contented sleep,
Laying by the cot at the ranchers feet.
The sound of a coyote startles the silence,
It's gray appearance as it paces the fence.
The sound of purring drifts down from the barn,
Where kittens sleep, safe from all harm
The night however does not last long,
for the crow of a rooster starts the day at dawn.
The animals are waiting, there's work to be done!
The life of a cowboy, has once again begun.

Heart in the Country
                                         Heart in the country, mind full of thoughts,
Lived in a cabin all of fourteen years.
Up in the trees with the bears and hawks.
This is my home, my familiar life,
hidden in the woods, with only a few fears.
I'd rather get stuck, in 6 feet of snow,
than live in the city where it rarely snows.
I like it where it's quiet, than where the open plains blow,
And hiking adventures, is more fun than stroles!

I Love to sing and play instruments.
I song might come to me while I'm working,
or a poem from just a few imaginating hints.
But at times, it brings, a loss of social interacting.

Always been an animal lover, all of my life,
You couldn’t change my mind, even if you wished!
To me, no animals, would never suffice.
I used to carry spiders out of the house,
till it was told me not to do so,
My experience went from bug to mouse,
Though I've grown,I still can't handle to watch those below,
drownding in a puddle, struggling to live,
even if it's a gnat, it still is life,
If that were me, I'd want to be rid
of suffering, death and strife.

Had mice in the house, they chewed a hole, got away,
banned to the outdoors, they ran away, right back into the house!
Eventually they were trapped, but what can I say?
Not everyone was fond of adventures with a mouse!
Kept a frog for years, for once a snake, and even a spider!
House full of pets, was my pride and joy,
I thought I was forever, that little bug finder!
Yet now I find some, that do annoy.
Like sleeping in bed, with an ant under my arm,
I wake up and feel it, and throw it on the floor!
But even those bugs, to me bring no harm,
ants dropping on the couch, ants forevermore!
But summer comes quickly and brings another tune!
Cicada's, gardening, and summer heat.
You can sleep outside and watch the moon!
A time to discover the feel of bare feet!
I still remember,when I kept a bunch of crickets,
and when the time came to let them go, I simply cried.
I was so attached to them, I guess they were my special trinkets.
I got to keep them after all, Mom must have been a bit mystified.
But now I've grown to like big animals,
Like flying through the grass on top of magnificent horses!
Beginning to trust then as my awesome pals!
The blessing of natures awesome forces!
To all animals I wish to intermix equality with firm, yet gentle friendship,
this will be my forever dream!
A calm and easygoing kinship,
is what I want from each animal to redeem.
gentleness and love to all things,
small or great, rich or poor, free or bond,
is the key to joy on wings!
They all will react,and be much more fond!
In case I were consumed enough with animals, country living, and creativity,
I might as well add to the list, videoing and photography.
These I use to capture life, that is so often hiding.
And edit compilations of the most interesting story!
Life is precious, O let us not take it for granted.
Yet while there is life, let us live it for Christ!
The one who so articulately made everything on this planet.
Who made intercession and gave the greatest sacrifice!


America the beautiful,
tiny as a walnut hull,
and giant as the world.
So many things we see and do,
under the banner of red, white and blue.
things straight and curled,
and things dark and light,
and low and of height.
See it on a map,
or see it on your cap,
it's all filled with something,
of every special scene.
Sand, water and trees,
sincere hearts and bowing knees.
Croaking frogs and dripping water,
caring mother, and loving father,
screeching cars near tiny birds,
black on white written words.
Steaming food and swishing fish,
jingling bells and bouncing hitch.
Wisps of smoke curling up,
round the hearth and steaming cup.
Frosty air and galloping hoofs,
over the hills and secret nooks.
Wrangler jeans and camo shirt,
where beating hooves meet flying dirt.
Stout and strong with suit and tie,
the busyness men are ever nigh.
Pleasant farms where mothers live,
busily working for the home and crib.
Yet, every life is different and unique,
built primarily on, the pleasures they seek.
So many smiles in tons of styles,
filling each corner in this world of miles.
Life is a race, filled with time and memories,
While slowly adding, stones, to the cemeteries.
So many things have changed since the day,
when America was hailed it's freedom to stay.
Many lives have come and gone,
Memories vanishing, as time moves along.
But, one thing is certain, that will forever remain,
Through all the disasters that brought blood and pain.
America is free because of men who fought,
To bring the freedom, of which they untiringly sought.
God in His goodness gave this Country to us,
which now bears the saying, “In God we Trust.”
Yet, now while the time may appear to stand still,
It is ours to live, and every moment to fill,
with love and allegiance to our Creator and King.
His gifts to us, we aught not lightly esteem.
The past is behind, and the future before,
blessings, trials, and triumphs in store.
Here we are, at this moment in time,
Let's live for God and make our nation shine!

A grain of Sand

A grain of sand glistening in the sun,
cannot portray of yesterdays fun.

But many a time has it been stepped upon,
by eager feet hastily drawn.
How many grains of sand must there be,
Stretched round all of the great wide seas?
Yet of all the numberless sands of the sea,
even so are the thoughts that God has for me!
How deep, how wide, how broad, how far reaching!
Are the thought for me He is continually thinking!

Psalms 139: 17,18

The Road
                  A poem I wrote on the way to Grandma's house before it got hotter, lol!                                                                  

The road asunder flying by, as viewed from the onlooker in yonder car. the light from the sky is filtered with clouds, as in the distance our wheels go far. Many strangers driving past, with air conditioning to cool their heads. But, this old car she ain't the same, for she gets only hotter when heat overspreads. Yet mercy today the clouds bestow, over the hot and humid roads. who knows what other stranger is grateful, for the bestowed cloud cover that God's mercy shows.


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