Gratefulness and God's Will
I’ve never been to a meeting before where the main speaker starts out by saying something like, “do you want to know what God’s will is for you? In finding a job, a relationship, vacation, or just where does God want me? Well, I’m going tell you what God’s will is for you wether you want to hear it or not. Look up Galatians 1:3-5.” He then continued to say that “this is not the typical verses you would think of about knowing Gods will, but his point was nevertheless very thought provoking. Is our praise for what God has done for us manifested in our lives?? How happy are we for His sacrifice? So often us Adventist’s get gospel hardened...Our happiness for what God had done should spring up in our lives as an everlasting wellspring of joy that is continually in our hearts... Wouldn’t being grateful be one of the most amazing experiences! If the atmosphere of heaven is praise, and if the Lord inhabitants the praises of Israel, then being grateful is pretty important! You won’t get i...